
this morning the temps made it up to five degrees. not a cloud in the sky and barely any wind…thankfully. i left the house at 5AM and met Double down on Madison Street. We did a loop around Frame Park and caught up on happenings since we last talked in October. after parting back up on Madison Street, i headed home with 7.75 miles completed in about 68 minutes. heading home up Madison, my top/bottom eyelashes were actually freezing together and i could feel the sweat just under where my hat line was beginning to freeze.

i’ll be taking the next three days off from running as a prelude to my 12 week buildup to run BOSTON. physically i’m in OK shape. my right achilles tendon is improved and i really don’t have any aches or pains. mentally, i’m fired up for taking another shot at BOSTON. that being said, it does take alot out of me to get my butt out of bed on mornings like this!

18. January 2007 by Jerry Cameron
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