morning conundrum
what would you do if you woke up an hour before your alarm is set?
would you…
A) roll over and attempt to go back to sleep
B) roll over and attempt to go back to sleep
C) roll over and attempt to go back to sleep
D) get up and run a bit longer than you normally do on a weekday
well, i chose "D" this morning. temps were in the low 70’s and you could see the moisture in the air – seemingly floating under the streetlights. one nice thing as of late is the clear skies that allow for the moon & the stars to be visible. about all i can pick out in the sky is the "dipper" not sure if it’s the big one or the small one.
i headed down commanche then up university. at about 1.75 miles, a truck coming in my direction noticeably veered in my direction. i jumped up onto the grass as the truck passed by. no doubt i was the source of some guffaws when that fellow made it to work.
i made my way up university and made the turn around at 94. heading back was fairly uneventful but i did pick it up through an intersection as a car was approaching. not many cars stop for stop signs at that time of the morning. i improvised an extra mile or so and ended up with ten miles at an average pace of 8:06.