sunday stroll
i woke up before my alarm clock (again), got geared up and stood in my driveway at 6AM waiting for my GPS to sync. as i was shuffling through my first half mile, i spotted a fox running across the street – – very fast i might add. i continued on my way, initially heading east on the glacial drumlin then south on the fox river trail. after five (slow) miles, i did a 180 and headed home bound. i did a double take and let out a laugh as i spotted a orange colored car with “01” painted on the driver’s side door.
a little past 6 miles into my run, i noticed a group of Army Reserve personell doing what looked to be a timed run. i felt sort of bad rolling past them while they were doing their test but i figured i’d at least get out of the way faster. regardless, i made a left back onto the glacial drumlin and was on my own again.
as i neared my house, i was still a few minutes short of 90 minutes elapsed so i improvised an extra half mile to stop my GPS watch at 10.5 miles. while the first five miles were rather pedestrian, the second half of the workout was a bit more “like it.” regardless, i headed in for a shower and a cup of coffee.