Monthly Archives for January 2007
you’re going the wrong way!!
what do you do when you wake up extra early? i opted to roll my butt out of bed and take advantage of the extra 30 minutes to roll some more miles. well, no train to dodge this morning. temps … Continue reading
this morning’s run was rather ordinary until heading back home along the glacial drumlin trail. the trail crosses a railroad track and i had noticed the light from an approaching train. not wanting to stand around in 20 degree temps … Continue reading
back in the saddle
i saw this story online…some guy who’s going to swim the length of the Amazon river…3,000+ miles…and people think i’m nuts! i found some time sunday morning to get in 5 miles at an easy pace. after i got home … Continue reading
this morning the temps made it up to five degrees. not a cloud in the sky and barely any wind…thankfully. i left the house at 5AM and met Double down on Madison Street. We did a loop around Frame Park … Continue reading
that’s more like it
january has arrived. ten degrees and a north wind this morning. i ran seven miles at 8:25 pace today. most folks had their walks shoveled and the streets were reasonably clear. i still had to hop over some snow banks … Continue reading