racing a train & crewing
I rolled out of bed this morning and hit the road with temps in the mid 40’s and clear skies. I hadn’t run since last friday so i had a bit of spring in my step. My route took me down the glacial drumlin trail toward town, which was lit nicely by the light of the moon. I turned around after 3 miles and headed back the way i had traveled. As i stepped back on the trail, i jumped over a railroad track and noticed the lights from a locomotive a quarter mile to the east of me. As i was headed west, i figured i’d see how long i could stay ahead of the train as we both crested a large hill. I did my best but as we passed the city limits, the train could put the pedal down and it slowly pulled away. I made the turn back into my subdivision and stopped the clock shortly after 50 minutes for six miles.
Crewing at the Chicago 50/50 ultramarathon
This past Saturday I road tripped with Dana to crew for Ryan at his ultramarathon debut at the Chicago 50K. He ran great for two of the three loops and was in striking distance of the leaders when the wheels came off. You can read his reflections on his effort at his web site – After the finish, we got to chat with veteran WI ultra runner Mary Gorski.

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