Monthly Archives for March 2008
back on the drumlin
the recent thaw has melted the unplowed snow/ice on the glacial drumlin trail so i headed down the trail toward town this morning. it was a bit tricky running in the wee hours of the morning as i had to … Continue reading
off the reservation
i opted for a little more sleep this morning and brought gear to run during lunch. temps were in the upper 30’s and i headed north along the lake. the wind was blowing in off the lake making for pretty … Continue reading
afternoon sun
i had a rare opportunity to get out for a run during the afternoon. the sun was so bright…i had to wear shades. temps were only around 30 but the sun made it feel much warmer. i headed down comanche … Continue reading
spring forward with flurries?!?
daylight savings time kicked in today. i got geared up mid-afternoon and headed outside with temps in the mid-20’s with an east wind (plus big flakes of snow). i headed into the wind (and flakes) for the first half of … Continue reading
left turn running…in march?
yep, i opted to run indoors today. the temps outdoors were around ten degrees and honestly – i didn’t feel much like running in it. i met dana over at the pettit center and got started at about 6:15AM. it … Continue reading