orange shorts
i have a pair of shorts in with my running gear, that i don’t wear very often. it’s not that they don’t fit properly or the elastic in the waistband is no longer of any use. it’s because they’re orange. orange running shorts which bear a striking resemblance to those employed as a uniform by a national restaurant chain known for their…ummm…wings.

needing an extra bit of motivation for my evening constitutional, i dug deep into my gear drawer and fished out these beauties. i couldn’t quite find a white tank top to go with so i paired them up with a plain white shirt and headed out the door. as i began my run through the neighborhood, a group of four triathletes were doing (up) hill repeats along comanche avenue. noticing a few chuckles, i pointed down the hill and said “It’s faster going this way.” mind you, they’re clad in their spandex outfits giggling at my orange shorts. i plugged my headphones back in my ears and continued on my way.
before reaching the rural anonymity that the glacial drumlin trail offers, i think i turned a few more heads as motorists rolled by. no horns honking or cat calls but a few smirks were noted.
perhaps it was the lower humidity but i began clipping along on the drumlin and before i knew it i had made a 180 for home. as i returned, the sun set and my nearly florescent lower half was ever so slightly less noticeable. i returned home with seven miles elapsed in a few ticks more than fifty six minutes and hit the shower. no beverage refill or phone number requests were received but neither were any gratuities.
oh, and if Kristin Armstrong asks, i spent May 10th, 2008 in Wisconsin running the Ice Age Trail 50K. (my buddy Jeff can vouch for me)
MTD – 170.25 miles (24 runs in 30 days)
YTD – 918.25 miles
Odometer – 30,426 miles
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