left turn running reloaded

with temps hovering in the negative range and the wind howling, i opted to meet up with ryan and dana at the pettit for another bout of left turn running. we started at around 2:30PM with the running track much more open than it had been the day before. again, we were shooting the bull and before we knew it we were almost up to an hour of running. dana and ryan picked up the pace a bit after 70 minutes of running while i opted to keep it at a more comfortable for where i’m at right now. we ended up running for about 1:30 and called it a day.

honestly, i was really pleased at being able to come back for a second sort-of-long-run in as many days. perhaps having a round of antibiotics and a week off from running was a blessing in disguise. that being said, i do hope the weather turns around soon as it is really getting tough to run in either sloppy or arctic conditions.

10. February 2008 by Jerry Cameron
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left turn running

i slept in this morning until 5:30AM and got geared up for some indoor running. i drove over to ryan’s house and met up with dave then headed down to the pettit center to meet up with dana. it was a bit crowded on the running track as there was a speedskating meet under way. when we started, some EMTs had to take a skater off the oval on a stretcher after he took a bad fall. hopefully the guy will be okay.

we got rolling and before you knew it we had been at it for an hour. at around this time a few other guys joined up with our group. admittedly, the conversation really makes the time move faster. this one guy that was running with us was a living legend. he had run a 2:21 marathon back in the early 70’s in duluth and was at the infamous "run for the hoses" boston marathon of 1976…and still ran a 2:30 under those circumstances. he also knew other famous runners including ron hill (first under 2:10 for the marathon) and don kardong (1976 olympic marathoner). now you can likely do the math that this guy was a bit older than i am…and he was just cruising along shooting the bull. turns out he’s sixty years old, retired and training for the duathlon national champs in april.

dave, dana and ryan had some "get up and go" so they picked it up while i hung back for a history lesson. i ended up with a bit over 1:39 of running and called it a day. honestly, i was pleased with the effort considering my recent sickness.

09. February 2008 by Jerry Cameron
Categories: Running | Tags: | Comments Off on left turn running


i moseyed outside this morning and was greeted with a thin coat of new snow to run on. not only is it rather dark at 5AM but the new snow cover masks potential ice patches even further. undaunted, i headed out on a 5 mile route and did my best to slog through the conditions. i made it home in a bit over 46 minutes, which was an improvement over yesterday’s effort but significantly off what would be "easy" pace for me.

08. February 2008 by Jerry Cameron
Categories: Running | Comments Off on tgif

more snow?!?

we’re having a "real" winter this year as yesterday we had a foot of new snow to shovel. i opted to skip running in favor of shoveling.

this morning i headed out with temps in the upper teens and packed snow underfoot. i managed a very slow 5 miles in 48 minutes and called it a day.

This clip (courtesy of http://benandjenelle.com/) from the Tybee Island Marathon is awfully funny!

07. February 2008 by Jerry Cameron
Categories: Running | Comments Off on more snow?!?

back in the saddle again

i woke up with the intent of taking in a morning constitutional but ended up doing a 180 back to bed. the rain that had fallen the day before had frozen to a thin sheet of ice on the side roads. therefore, i opted to bring along gear and hit the treadmill at lunch. i managed 5 miles in just under 40 minutes and called it a day. admittedly, it felt good to work up a sweat.

05. February 2008 by Jerry Cameron
Categories: Running | Comments Off on back in the saddle again

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