back in the saddle
saturday and sunday i skipped running. whatever cooties i had was in full force.
i ventured out during the noon hour on monday for 5 miles in 39:40.
i just didn’t find the time to run on tuesday…which happens from time to time.
this morning i headed out with temps in the upper teens. i rolled down to the glacial drumlin and headed toward town. i doubled back after 3 miles and headed for home. i ended up with 6 miles in a bit over 50 minutes and hit the shower.
MTD/YTD – 83 miles
Odometer – 26,421 miles
love the buzz
i didn’t feel 100% today – scratchy throat – so i opted to run some hamster miles at lunch. one cool thing that happened while running in place was that the shuffle on my ipod was perfect. i didn’t have to skip a single song…which is rare. overall, i ended up with 5 miles in a little over 41 minutes. admittedly, i feel much better now after my workout than i did before.
back at it in the morning
i rolled out of bed after a reasonable night of sleep and headed out the door with temps in the lower 30’s…which is balmy for early january in wisconsin. the wind was out of the east so i headed east down madison. i spotted someone walking along the sidewalk wearing what looked like (from a distance) a bathrobe. upon further review, it was a long white winter jacket. when i made it to downtown, i ran down to bethesda park then pointed myself west up along the glacial drumlin trail. in all i mustered 7 miles at 8:15 pace and hit the shower.
deja vu all over again
for the third day in a row, i packed gear and ran at lunch. sleep has been a luxury since our youngest got an ear infection. thankfully she’s on the mend…which means we’ll all be sleeping more soon. regardless, i headed out with the sun shining and temps in the upper 30’s. i mustered 6 miles in 46 minutes and hit the shower.
MTD/YTD – 60 miles
Odometer – 26,398 miles
off the reservation
i didn’t get alot of sleep last night as my youngest and oldest daughters woke up during the night. instead of running in the wee hours, i packed gear and ran during lunch. temps at noon hovered in the low 50’s with a strong south wind. i headed north for 3 miles and made the turn back into the wind. i was grateful for the long pants and shirt on the return effort as it began to feel cold running into the wind. regardless, i rolled in with 6 miles in about 45:30 and hit the shower.