…and this is january

we have benefited, as of late, from some unseasonably warm temps here in the badger state. i packed gear with me and opted to run a bit at lunch. wearing shorts in january is a rare treat and i wanted to take full advantage of it as it was in the low 50’s when i stepped outside. i ended up running 6 miles in a few ticks past 47 minutes and hit the shower.

MTD/YTD – 48 miles
Odometer – 26,386 miles

07. January 2008 by Jerry Cameron
Categories: Running | Comments Off on …and this is january

foggy fourties

i rolled out of bed and had a light breakfast before heading out for my morning constitutional – which my father would say is "civilized." temps were in the low 40’s and it was very foggy from the rapid snow melt. i headed down comanche and headed out west on the glacial drumlin trail. after turning around at 3.5 miles, a group of 8-9 cyclists came up on me. the folks in front shouted "RUNNER" to keep the guys behind them from swerving into me…which was appreciated. i ended up with 7 easy miles in an hour and hit the shower.

this afternoon, i headed to uw-whitewater with jade and alia to watch my niece swim her first 500 freestyle. she swam very smart with a 3:30 for the first half and 3:35 for the second half. (she’s the swimmer in the 2nd to the bottom lane.)

06. January 2008 by Jerry Cameron
Categories: Running | Comments Off on foggy fourties

southern comfort

i got myself out the door in the late afternoon and pointed my way south (into the wind) with the temps in the upper 30’s – which is downright balmy for this time of the year. in winter, i try to head out into the wind so i don’t get chilled heading home all sweaty with a headwind. i initially headed east on the glacial drumlin trail then south on the fox river recreation trail. i crossed over sunset avenue and went a bit further down the trail before turning around with 5 miles under my belt. the run home was pleasant with a gentle tailwind pushing me along. i ended up with 10 miles in just under 1:21 which translates to about 8:05 pace.

05. January 2008 by Jerry Cameron
Categories: Running | Comments Off on southern comfort

double down

i rolled out of bed and geared up for a morning constitutional with temps in the teens and a bit of a wind from the south. my GPS hasn’t been taking a charge via my USB cable so i ended up running a known route without it being timed. essentially, i ran down the glacial drumlin toward town then turned around after 3.5 miles for the run back home.

i also brought along gear and ran on the treadmill at lunch. i had the chance to chat with ben as we both ran along at our own pace on our individual treadmills, which made the time go by much faster. my ipod was left at home in the USB charger so i was grateful for the company. i ended up with 5 miles in a little past 41 minutes and hit the shower.

MTD/YTD – 25 miles
Odometer – 26,363 miles

04. January 2008 by Jerry Cameron
Categories: Running | Comments Off on double down

hamster miles reloaded

with temperatures in the wee hours hovering around zero, i opted to pack gear and run at lunch. i haven’t been feeling 100% as of late so i opted for the treadmill to put in some miles without exposure to the elements.

i started with my normal acceleration, beginning with 6 mph for the first quarter mile then upping it .5 mph each quarter mile for the next mile. from 1.25 miles (8 mph) to 5.00 miles i increased the speed .1 mph each quarter mile until reaching 9.5 mph (~6:20 pace). i then moved back to 8 mph for .5 miles then down to 7.5 mph for the last .5 mile tallying 6 miles in 44:23. (wicked workout)

03. January 2008 by Jerry Cameron
Categories: Running | Comments Off on hamster miles reloaded

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