hamster miles
for my first run of 2008, i opted for the warmth and monotony of a treadmill versus the morning’s single digit temperatures. i headed to work early as my wife was off from work and didn’t need help getting the kids ready for the day. i rolled into the fitness center and got moving – slowly at first – and mustered 7 miles in about 55:30.
(i skipped running on january 1st. after my evening jaunt the night before…i didn’t feel like it.)
that’s all folks
friday evening i ventured out after the snow plows cleared most of the newly fallen snow from the streets. i ran my "easy" 5 mile loop then a 3 mile loop down comanche up university then back in on burton and comanche. the footing was lousy but i mustered 8 miles.
saturday late in the afternoon i headed down comanche with the intent of running on the glacial drumlin trail. unfortunately, the city hadn’t had the chance to plow it out so i doubled back and ran up university avenue out as far as it would take so when i turned around i’d have 8 miles completed when i made it home.
sunday i skipped running due to a road trip to lambeau with my dad to see the lions get beat. ugh!
monday morning i got out the door by 8AM and headed back down to the glacial drumlin trail. the city still hadn’t plowed it so i doubled back and ran up university out as far as it would take so i’d have 7 miles when i made it home. the footing was lousy, even with yaktrax.
monday evening i headed out at 8PM and headed back down to the glacial drumlin trail. this time i knew it was plowed as i had driven by it earlier in the day. the footing was reasonably good, hard packed snow/ice and it was snowing very lightly. i headed out for 3.5 miles then made the turn for home. heading back up comanche i had a bit of a headwind to battle up that last big hill. i finished up with 7 miles and am ready for a heineken.
MTD – 179.6 miles (25 days of running)
YTD – 2,000 miles (258 days of running – avg per day 7.75 miles)
Odometer – 26,337.9
forward onto 2008.
more miles
christmas day afternoon i got out and ran 8.3 miles. admittedly, it felt good to get some miles in after a big brunch and before a big dinner.
wednesday i ran out and back on the fox river recreation trail. unfortunately the local municipalities choose not to plow out the trail so the footing was iffy for much of the effort. i ended up with 8 miles at a slow pace.
this morning i headed out on much of the route i had improvised on christmas day…in reverse. overnight, an inch or two of fresh snow had fallen which made the footing difficult in spots. i ended up with 7 miles in just under an hour.
MTD – 149.6 miles (22 days of running)
YTD – 1,970 miles (255 days of running – avg run 7.73 miles)
Odometer – 26,307.9
30 miles to go in 2007.
catching up
friday afternoon i hit the treadmill for 8 miles in about 65 minutes. my blood sugar got a little low since i had eaten in the early morning and didn’t start running until the early afternoon.
saturday i skipped running due to a steady rain and temps in the upper 30’s. there’s just those days that you’ve got to say "forgetaboutit."
sunday morning i ventured out with the roads resembling an ice skating rink with a thin coat of ice. i gingerly ran a route that was light on traffic and mustered 7 miles at a very slow pace. one extra bit of fun was the wind gusts that were 30 mph+. on the way back in, i was literally stopped in my tracks due to a gust.
this morning i headed down to the glacial drumlin and ran west out towards wales. i made my turn at 4 miles in a bit under 36 minutes. heading back, i had a nice tailwind pushing me home.
MTD – 126.3 miles (19 days of running)
YTD – 1,946.7 miles (252 days of running – avg run 7.7 miles)
Odometer – 26,284.6
7 days left in the year to run 53.3 miles. if i run every day, i’ll need to average 7.6 miles each day.
pardon the dust
i got a wild hair up my @ss and decided it was time for a change to the site design. i’ve still got some tweaking to do…but at the moment it’s 80% of the way i want it.
running-wise, i brought gear and headed out during lunch. temps were in the mid-30’s and it was a bit overcast. i headed north to the city zoo then turned back into a headwind for the run back to work. i passed 5 miles in 40:00 and covered the last mile in 7:20 to stop the clock at 47:20 for 6 miles.
MTD – 104 miles
YTD – 1,922 miles
Odometer – 26,262 miles