windy day in green bay
i got rolling by 9:30AM and opted for a route that would keep me running more east-west rather than north-south due to a strong wind from the south. temps were reasonable and the sun was out. honestly, when i wasn’t running straight into the wind it was pretty comfortable. i haven’t been able to charge my gps watch so i had to estimate the amount of time i was out running off the clock in my in-laws kitchen. i ended up with 50 minutes so that should translate to about 6 miles.
for the week i ended up with 32 miles on 5 days. nothing spectacular but enough to try and maintain some fitness. to hit 2000 miles for the year, i need to average 37 miles per week from here on out. gotta get out for some longer runs rather than these 5 to 7 mile efforts.
MTD – 114.5
YTD – 1803.5
Odometer – 26,131
turkey day
we drove up to my in-laws last night and i finally got moving by mid-morning. i headed north along the fox river right into a head wind. my gps watch was accidentally powered on so i had to depend on the mile markers on the trail to give me an idea of how far i was running. along the way another runner was starting his run. i caught up with him and struck up a conversation. turns out he had run chicago this year and we chatted about the heat/humidity of the day. i made my turn around and said goodbye. the way back was much more pleasant with a strong tailwind pushing me back. i ended up with about 7 miles and made some room for turkey dinner.
go west young man
i slowly rolled myself out of bed this morning and got geared up for my morning constitutional. temps were in the upper 30’s and the rain had paused. i headed south toward the glacial drumlin trail where i noticed the train that i normally "race" had a head start on me and was rapidly heading out of town. i ran up a small hill and headed west on the glacial drumlin to run parallel with the train but since it was already at the edge of town it was moving at a pretty good rate. as it headed off into the distance, it quieted down and i was alone running in the dark.
i turned around after a little over 30 minutes and 3.5 miles to head home. facing east, i could see the beginnings of the sun rising as i made my way back home. i turned off the drumlin and zig-zagged my way back to comanche…avoiding the rabbit that had ended up as road kill. i made it back to casa cameron in a little under 59 minutes and hit the shower.
off the reservation
my daughters were up a few times during the night so i opted to sleep in as late as i could. i brought along gear and headed out for five miles in the misty rain with temps in the mid-40’s. the run was pretty uneventful. it took awhile for my hands to warm up since i didn’t have any gloves and i really couldn’t pull my long sleeves down over them. i made it back in just under 39 minutes and hit the locker room. a few other hardy runners also got out-and-about in the elements. one guy who opted for the treadmill got razzed which got a round of laughter. if nothing else, the effort woke me up (again) and got my mind cleared up for the afternoon.
catching up
friday i ran 5 miles at lunch in just a few clicks above 39 minutes.
saturday morning i ventured out for 5.5 miles in a light rain with temps in the low 40’s. the effort was dedicated in tribute to Ryan Shay who recently passed away only 5.5 miles into the U.S. Olympic Marathon Trials at age 29.
sunday morning i slept in and honestly didn’t feel like heading out to run.
this morning i got myself out the door at 5AM and mustered 7 miles in just over 59 minutes. the most significant thing that happened was witnessing a SUV blowing clear through a 4 way stop sign (college & prairie) just seconds after i had crossed the street. i guess stopping at a stop sign is conditional at 5:25AM.
MTD – 89.5
YTD – 1778.5
Odometer – 26,106