noontime on the CCC

i didn’t get out to run this weekend as there were a number of chores that i needed to do outside before it gets too late in the fall. i ended up bringing gear to work and ran during lunch. temps were in the mid-50’s with an overcast sky and a north wind. as i was running along the lake, a guy was walking his two dogs in front of me. as i came up behind him, i gave him plenty of space…or rather his dogs alot of space. i must have startled the little mutts as they went into a frenzy wanting a piece of me. i’m not real sure what breed they were…but they’d be classified as "ankle biters" in my book. thankfully they were leashed, which isn’t always the case. i just laughed about it and continued on my way.

shortly after spooking two pooches, i headed down the "Christopher Columbus Causeway" which is the formal name for the area on the marina that i’ve run on a few times. i made the turnaround at 2.5 miles in a little less than 20 minutes and headed back with the wind pushing me along. with a little less than a mile to go i said hello to some folks i knew from work who were out walking. i ended up back on campus with 5 miles complete in a little less than 39 minutes.

when getting prepped for a shower, i noticed that i neglected to pack a towel with me today. as gunny highway says…"improvise, adapt, overcome"…so i used my t-shirt instead. (ugh!)

today’s effort pushes the odometer over 26,000 miles.

22. October 2007 by Jerry Cameron
Categories: Running | Comments Off on noontime on the CCC

noon time off the reservation

i brought gear with me to work and headed out shortly before noon. i had a strong south breeze at my back heading out northbound with temps in the mid-50’s and overcast skies. i directed myself back toward the harbor point passing 2.5 miles in about 19 minutes. i ran a little extra around the point then headed north into the wind and light rain. i rolled in just a bit above 41 miles for 5.25 miles which averages out to about 7:50 pace.

19. October 2007 by Jerry Cameron
Categories: Running | Comments Off on noon time off the reservation

lakefront 2007 pictures

i took the day off from running today but instead can offer to share photos taken at the lakefront marathon along with some candid commentary.

~5 miles – sweating profusely while carrying an h2o bottle.

~9 miles – concordia college – still working hard in the heat/humidity
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mercifully, there weren’t any official race photographers between 9M and the finish so let’s skip ahead to…

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…and the finish line. (notice the completely disgusted look on my face.)

finally, a picture with my dad who also recorded a PW…but also his 11th marathon.

18. October 2007 by Jerry Cameron
Categories: Running | Comments Off on lakefront 2007 pictures

good morning waukesha

i rolled my rear out of bed this AM and got out the door shortly after 5AM for a run. while waiting for my GPS to sync with the satellites, i noticed the stars i would see directly to the south have shifted to the southwest. i had dug up a web site that shows the sky from your zip code and figured out that i wasn’t looking at any dippers…but parts of others. i guess that makes me a dip! for what it’s worth, i think i spotted the big dipper in the eastern sky. i’ll have to find that URL and figure it out.

regardless, i headed down the hill on commanche and picked up the glacial drumlin trail headed towards wales. honestly, i was moving in slow motion. i think my body and legs had grown accustomed to not having their morning constitutional. i turned around at 3 miles and headed for home on the same route. i ended up getting home with the average pace slightly below 9 minutes a mile…which is awful slow for a weekday run.

17. October 2007 by Jerry Cameron
Categories: Running | Comments Off on good morning waukesha

off the reservation

i did a "deja vu" today and ran during lunch. this time i altered my "normal" course and ran out on the harbor breakwater. there were a number of guys out fishing, some of which were cleaning their fish at the public facility. i hit 2.5 miles a few clicks past 20 minutes and made a turn to retrace my path. heading back, i had a bit of a headwind but the sun began to make its way from behind the clouds. i rolled in at 39:30 which was slightly faster than yesterday…not that i’m really keeping track of it.

MTD – 46
YTD – 1648.7
Odometer – 25,986

16. October 2007 by Jerry Cameron
Categories: Running | Comments Off on off the reservation

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