catching up

9/1 – OFF
9/2 – 7M (west on the glacial drumlin)
9/3 – 7M (east on the glacial drumlin)
9/4 – OFF

my weekend plans may include a road half marathon and/or some trail running. we’ll see.

04. September 2009 by Jerry Cameron
Categories: Running | Comments Off on catching up

finishing august

i geared up with alot more clothing than i’m used to for late august this morning with temps in the mid-forties.  my route wound my way through town with one big hill to climb twice.  i ended up with an easy seven miles in a few ticks past an hour and paused to admire my freshly cut lawn before heading in for a shower.

my goal for the month was to tally 200+ miles, which i didn’t meet.  looking back, there was a nine day stretch that i ran a total of ten miles.  granted, setting ambitious goals when a new addition is expected isn’t the brightest thing to do but i do need something to help roll me out of bed in the wee hours of the morning.

MTD – 170 miles
YTD – 933.8 miles
Odometer – 29,041.5 miles

31. August 2009 by Jerry Cameron
Categories: Running | Comments Off on finishing august

sunny sunday

eleven miles at 8:20 avg pace

MTD – 163 miles
YTD – 926.8 miles
Odometer – 29,034.5 miles

30. August 2009 by Jerry Cameron
Categories: Running | Comments Off on sunny sunday

westward bound

after a quiet saturday morning with my family, i geared up to roll some miles.  overcast skies and temps in the upper fifties aren’t what most folks want to see in late august, but it’s great conditions for running.  i initially headed west on the glacial drumlin towards wales.  glancing periodically at my GPS watch, i noticed i was moving along at a solid pace which was a bit faster than i was doing for my last long run.  after seven miles at an average pace of 8:10 per mile, i arrived in the next town to the west, made a quick stop at a water fountain and headed for home.

the great thing about this route is that you have a net elevation gain of 200 feet in five miles on the way out, which means on the way back you’re running downhill.  i also benefited from a tailwind on the way back which made it very easy to roll my way home.  my inbound seven miles were covered at an average pace of 7:32 per mile, which i was very pleased about.  i was so pleased that i opted to head north then west for another 1.5 miles and then doubled back home so i could log seventeen miles for the day.  overall, the average pace for seventeen miles worked out to 7:52 per mile.  i grabbed a soda from the refrigerator and walked around the block for a bit before heading in for a shower.

29. August 2009 by Jerry Cameron
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twenty nine thousand miles

this morning’s constitutional rolled my running odometer past the 29,000 mile mark.  (i should roll 30,000 miles by spring 2010) thankfully, today’s effort was also much drier than yesterday and took me to downtown waukesha for a quick loop around the fox river.  i’ve done 20 mile long runs down on the 1.65 mile loop – – which translates to 12 laps – – and it can get rather monotonous.  my single lap was much more bearable.  regardless, i mustered a total of eight miles at an average pace of 8:30 per mile and returned home to put the garbage/recyclables to the curb.

MTD – 135 miles
YTD – 898.8 miles
Odometer – 29,006.5 miles

28. August 2009 by Jerry Cameron
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