i was a little more than two miles down the glacial drumlin trail this morning when i spotted a gaggle of geese in a rather narrow portion of the trail. not wanting to tempt getting bit by one of the aforementioned, i doubled back on my route and improvised a bit before returning home with my GPS reading six miles. also – – it was pretty darn humid this morning due to a 4am thunderstorm.
rewind – – play
7/12 – off
7/13 – 6 miles in 49 minutes
7/14 – 7 miles in 57 minutes
MTD – 77 miles
YTD – 660.8 miles
Odometer – 28,768 miles
went long(er)
i got rolling at 7AM and pointed myself westbound on the glacial drumlin. temps were in the low sixties with high humidity due to an early morning rain. i climbed my way out to the next town west (wales) and made a brief stop for some water. the run back to waukesha felt awfully tropical as the sun broke out from behind the clouds. regardless, i made it home with fourteen miles recorded on my GPS in a few ticks less than two hours. (outbound:61:30, inbound:58:00) for the week i mustered 46 miles.
MTD – 64 miles
YTD – 647.8 miles
Odometer – 28,755 miles
six in the rain
my morning constitutional went up to uw-waukesha and back home. before leaving my house, i checked and it looked as though rain was approaching so i left the ipod at home. i’m not a big fan of running in the rain but i wanted to get in an easy run. regardless, i made it home and put the trash to the curb. also, i found another picture from my sluggish effort at the firecracker four. at the moment i’ve got zero speed and a few extra pounds. it’ll likely take until the fall until i’ve got both corrected.
seven in the fifties
today’s effort was awfully pleasant with temps in the low 50’s and some new tunes on my ipod shuffle. my route was westbound on the glacial drumlin with the outbound taking 30 minutes and the inbound taking a few ticks more than 28 minutes.