midweek meandering
in august, i’ll be wishing for a morning like today’s. temps were in the low sixties, sunny sky and limited humidity. with these conditions, gearing up is much simpler as it’s only a shirt and shorts. i headed out the door then headed south on comanche then headed east on the glacial drumlin for a six mile constitutional. during my run, i passed a homeless man – – twice. my guess is he’s in his thirties/forties and he rides a bicycle that’s loaded with bags of food/clothing. as i approach he lowers his eyes, stares at the ground and without a word continues on his way along the trail. it’s not the first time i’ve seen him, but it is the first time i’ve written about him.
same as it ever was
today’s effort was rather uneventful as i ran my five mile route that passes by the local hospital. my lower back has been both “in” and “out” as of late so i’m taking it relatively easy while still trying to get habitual with the training. i was thinking about doing a local five mile race on memorial day but have learned that the event was canceled due to lack of sponsorship. i’ll likely start looking for something in june to spark the competitive fire.
weekend rewind
i didn’t make it out for a run on saturday as it was more of a “family day” at my in-laws. sunday morning i got in a brief five mile run along the fox river trail in the green bay area. the green bay marathon runs along the trail and there were folks setting up water stations while i was out for my run. after a quick shower, i took jade & alia with me to watch my friend dana running the marathon. we actually saw him four times along the fox river trail and they were disappointed that we didn’t go to see him finish. we would have but we needed to get back home for jade & alia’s piano recital later in the afternoon)
regardless, congrats to dana for his new personal best of 2:46:38 which is more then ten minutes better than his previous best.
this morning i got in a six mile run that was on the glacial drumlin going towards waukesha. on the way back, i spotted a deer off to the side of the trail. contrary to how geese react, the deer went bounding in the other direction.
easy does it
my morning effort was very relaxed and rather uneventful. i opted for my five mile route that passes by the local hospital before heading back to my subdivision. when i got home, i remembered to get the trash/recycles to the curb and hit the shower.
showdown on the drumlin
today’s effort was like many others. wake up. gear up. roll down comanche and run along the glacial drumlin. today, while heading west along the trail, i approached a family of geese with 5-6 little ones in tow. the adult geese hissed at me as i passed by but no big deal. less than a quarter mile later, another group of adult geese were parked along the side of the trail and hissed at me as i passed by. i kept heading west until i had recorded 3 miles on my GPS, which is when i did a 180 and headed for home.
on my way back, i noticed a few cyclists headed in my direction – – which meant they had run the gauntlet of geese that i had passed earlier. mind you, it’s now 5:30AM and i was likely the first to rile up the geese. as i approached, the group of adult geese had moved elsewhere but the family of geese were parked right in the middle of the trail. as i approached, i tried to shoo them to the side of the trail and i really must have gotten the adults mad as they were craning their necks in my direction and hissing. i bolted past them doing my best impression of a sprinter and made my way back home safely with six miles completed.