lakefront revisited
it looks like rain tomorrow morning so i opted to gear up after work for a constitutional. (my wife & kids were at swim practice this evening so i had some time available) i headed east from work on ogden and made my way down to the lakefront. i ran along the marina which effectively is the last mile of the lakefront marathon. i haven’t ran along there since last october and it was nice to mentally replay the final portions of requalifying for boston last fall.
after 3 miles were recorded on my GPS, i doubled back on my outbound route and headed back to my car. i had to dodge a few more cars than i’m used to but all in all it was a good six miler covered at roughly 8:20 per mile pace.
MTD – 52.5 miles
YTD – 353 miles
Odometer – 28,460 miles
catching up
i didn’t get the chance to run on saturday or sunday but i did get out for an un-timed five miler on monday morning. this morning i got in another five miler at 8:25 average pace.
congrats go out to dave “double” dehart for placing 5th at the Ice Age Trail 50M this weekend in 7:20. also, belated congrats to ben for running the Wisconsin Marathon while wearing a foam cheesehead on his head.
friday (finally)
i took thursday off from running as my lower back was a little tweaked. this morning i rolled myself out of bed and geared up for temps in the upper 40’s. my route ended up to be my five mile loop which runs past the local hospital. to be honest, the effort was rather uneventful and i simply headed home to put the trash/recyclables to the curb. i’d say that after today’s run my back wasn’t any worse but not any better either.
morning constitutional
i remembered to set my alarm this morning so i rolled out of bed and geared up for a run with temps in the low fifties. my route went down comanche then east on the glacial drumlin. while running on the drumlin, i noticed a real estate sign & sign post that someone deposited in the ditch along the trail. (i’ll have to find their phone number to let the company know.) i made a 180 after 3 miles and headed for home. my pace was a bit faster on the way back and i ended up with 6 miles in a few ticks less than 52 minutes.
east side flies
i forgot to set the alarm for 4:30am this morning so i brought along gear to run after work. (my wife & kids are at swim practice on tuesday nights) my route went from my office building east to lake michigan then northeast to the Lake Park lighthouse. when i reached the lighthouse, my GPS read 3 miles so i did a 180 and doubled back on my outbound route. the challenge i faced was the swarms of lake flies that i would periodically run through. truth be told, i really could have used my clear lens oakleys to shield my eyes. regardless, i made it back to my car with six miles covered in a few ticks less than 49 minutes.