weekend wrap-up

i got in a brief four mile run on saturday afternoon around the neighborhood. sunday afternoon i headed west on madison avenue, ran a quick loop on the retzer nature center trails and headed home for a total of five and a half miles.

this morning i ran a slow five mile effort along the glacial drumlin trail. on my way back home, there was a family of geese gathered at the edge of a pond. as i approached, the one adult goose started hissing at me so i swung to the far side of the trail. turns out there were 4-5 little geese along with the two adults. the rest of the effort was rather uneventful but i was glad i got out and ran.

04. May 2009 by Jerry Cameron
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first of may

i had some sort of virus on wed/thurs which kept me from venturing out for a run on either day. unfortunately, missing those two days meant that i was left with an anemic 90 miles for the month of april. regardless, a new month is a new opportunity to get some miles behind me. in that spirit, i geared up at 5AM and headed out with temps in the mid-fifties. i ran down commanche then out west on the glacial drumlin trail. after 2.5 miles i did a 180 for home and ended up with a total of five miles in a few ticks less than 43 minutes. i put the trash (and recyclables) to the curb and headed for the shower.

01. May 2009 by Jerry Cameron
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early riser

i was awake a few minutes before the alarm clock sounded so i quietly reset the alarm for my wife and headed downstairs. i geared up and headed out with temps in the mid-forties. my gear selection included a winter hat and gloves, which was a bit more than necessary – – but it does make it more comfortable for the first mile or two.

speaking of the first mile, i spotted a deer just standing in a family’s front yard as i ran down commanche. it stared at me for a bit then bolted in the other direction. i headed for the glacial drumlin and turned east toward town. i crossed the fox river – which is “full” from all the rain – and made my way down college avenue. when three miles were recorded on my gps, i made a 180 and headed for home.

one nice thing about it becoming spring is that it is getting light out sooner in the morning, which i especially noticed on my way back home. i made it back with a total of six miles at a few ticks less than 8:30 pace and hit the shower.

also – – congrats to my friend ryan who won The Deer Run 10K over the weekend. (he maintains hillrunner.com in his spare time) i’m anxiously anticipating the next time that ryan and dana are in the same race – – it’ll be awful interesting to see them duke it out.

MTD – 90 miles
YTD – 300.5 miles
Odometer – 28,408 miles

28. April 2009 by Jerry Cameron
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rainy saturday

we had thunderstorms rolling through in the morning so i waited until the afternoon for a constitutional. temps were in the low 40’s and it was still raining very lightly. my route ended up being the five miler that rolls past the hospital. for the first time in recent memory, my stride felt effortless. perhaps it was due to watching the ’09 boston marathon video earlier in the afternoon. seeing hall and goucher running gutsy races may have been what i needed. hopefully meb and ritz will have good races in london tomorrow morning.

25. April 2009 by Jerry Cameron
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finally friday

it wasn’t as warm as i had hoped this morning, but i did opt for shorts and a long sleeve shirt. i ran a five mile route that was essentially on commanche and the glacial drumlin. i’m hoping to get my rear out first thing on saturday morning for a longer run as i need to burn some calories!

24. April 2009 by Jerry Cameron
Categories: Running | Tags: | Comments Off on finally friday

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