miles are miles
i was a bit sluggish during my morning constitutional (five miles) but it was better than having a zero for the day. i’ve got to say that it is nice not having the tendinitis in my right achilles. for the most part, my right foot is pain-free and i’d say it is 80% healed up. taking my dad’s advice, i’m not going to ramp up my mileage quickly which would put me at risk for either ailment to flare up again.
quick five
i had a quiet day at home today including dozing off on the couch while watching golf. late in the afternoon i got geared up and ran five miles along university avenue.
congrats to my friend Craig who finished the McNaughton 150 Mile Ultramarathon this weekend in just under 49 hours
afternoon constitutional
much of the morning was spent doing laundry and other stuff around the house. by the afternoon, the temperatures outside had warmed to the upper 40’s with blue sky and sunshine. i geared up with a long-sleeve shirt and shorts – – which is much more comfortable than all the layers of clothes that i’m stuck running with in winter. i headed east toward town – and into the wind -along the glacial drumlin trail. after four miles i did a 180 and headed back. honestly, i wasn’t running real fast but at least i was able to get in eight miles. when i got home, my wife and kids were heading out the front door for a constitutional too. my girls and i did a short jog around the block then they went with my wife for their walk while i headed for the shower.
back at it
i caught a minor cold early this week and took a few days off from running. this morning i got going a bit late as i had a little more time in the morning as my wife & kids didn’t have school today. my route ended up being a five mile square that rolls by the hospital before heading back to our place. i’m hoping to get in a few more miles this weekend as the weather looks promising.
against the wind
i started my day by standing at the foot of my driveway, with my left arm outstretched, waiting for my GPS watch to sync up with the satellites overhead. it felt like an eternity but it gave me a chance to figure out that the wind was fairly steady from the north. when my watch (finally) was ready to roll, i put my head down and into the wind i went. my route wound through a park then ran between a new subdivision and a fairly busy road. about two miles into the effort, i noticed two deer off to the right of the sidewalk. they saw me first and were headed in the other direction which was better than bolting across the road. regardless, i did a 180 after 2.5 miles and enjoyed not only a tailwind but a downhill route back home. all told, i mustered five miles and hit the shower.