late afternoon constitutional
i went to the park with my wife and kids this afternoon. the sun was out and the wind was light. we played some kickball and then some basketball before heading home for dinner. being outside got my motivation up so i changed clothes and headed out for an easy run with the oakleys but without the ipod. i ended up with 5 miles in a few ticks past 43 minutes and called it a day.
single digits
another seven days has passed since i last ran. i’d say 3 of those days it was due to the weather – – upper 30’s and rain is miserable to run in. the other days i was just plain lazy. regardless, i rolled out of bed a little before 5AM and ran an easy five mile loop. honestly, it was awful cold outside.
while i was out running, it dawned on me that twenty years back at this time i went out for my high school track team which started me on the 28,000+ miles i’ve logged to date. it’s hard to believe it’s been that long since i was left wheezing, panting and huffing on my asthma inhaler from a 20 minute run through the school hallways.
getting warmer
it was in the mid-thirties this morning – – which was much more comfortable than earlier in the week. i ran down commanche then east on the glacial drumlin for 2.5 miles then made a 180 for home for a total of 5 miles. honestly, my stride still feels a bit forced but at least i’m back out on the road.
frigid five
i mustered a five miler this morning with temps in the lower single digits. i was a bit surprised at some soreness in my quads from my run two days ago, but i guess after two weeks off – – it is to be expected. regardless, it’s supposed to warm up through the week which will make it much more tolerable to run.
newton was right
An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion
no kidding. i finally got myself out for a 5 mile run today and felt like i was in slow motion.