still kickin
long time no run. long time no blog. i came down with what i believe to be an upper-respiratory virus and have taken some down time to get rid of it. i’m hoping i can get back in the saddle tomorrow or this weekend. the good news is that spring is just around the corner. that being said, i’m running low on time to ramp up for a May 26.2.
motivation needed
i was a bit short on the get-up-and-go this morning. i went downstairs shortly before 5AM and turned on for some music. i then surfed to and noticed a comment on their forum from my friend dave. he stated he’s aiming to do a "rim to rim to rim" race at the grand canyon in october.
now, let’s think about this for a moment. first you run down the grand canyon, then up the other side. at that point you’re only half way done as you need to make a 180 and go back the way you arrived. needless to say, my mind started whirling at the logistics of the event and the training it would take to pull it off. i got myself geared up to head out the door for a five mile effort and mustered a little better than 8:30 pace.
frigid reality
it was all of twelve degrees this morning. i geared up with three layers on top and two on the bottom plus my neckwarmer. thankfully there wasn’t much wind but after running in the upper twenties (and sunshine) it was less than pleasant to run in the dark – – even with a half moon lighting the way. regardless, i ran down comanche then up university to UW-W then did a 180 for home which made for six miles in a few ticks less than fifty three minutes.
sunday afternoon stroll
i got my self off the couch late into the afternoon and geared up for another afternoon constitutional. my route took me along the glacial drumlin trail again, but this time i headed east toward town. i then headed toward bethesda park where i did a 180 and headed for home. overall, i mustered seven miles in fifty seven minutes and called it a day.
eight is enough
today’s effort was in the later afternoon as i opted to let the overnight snowfall melt before heading out for a constitutional. temps were in the upper 20’s but the sun was shining, which makes a difference. i headed south on comanche then west along the glacial drumlin trail. for the most part, the trail was clear of snow but there were patches of snow/ice that the sun hadn’t quite melted yet. after four miles (33:30) i made a quick stop due to being a bit too hydrated and then doubled back for home. the route home went a bit faster than my outbound effort as i made it back home in 31:30 for eight miles.
MTD – 43 miles
YTD – 127.5 miles
Odometer – 28,235 miles