wednesday morning constitutional

this morning was much more pleasant for running than the past two. temps were in the lower sixties and the humidity was reasonable. i headed down comanche to the glacial drumlin and turned east towards town. i figured i should run an easier route than yesterdays so i wouldn’t aggravate my hammy.

i made it down to bethesda park in a few ticks over 30 minutes. only a few weeks ago the park was under water from the fox river overflowing it’s banks. i doubled back on my route and made it back home in about 29 minutes for an overall pace of a bit under 8:30 per mile for seven miles. the great thing about this morning’s effort was that there wasn’t any soreness in the left hammy. i’m not going to go gonzo on the training…yet…but it is a positive sign.

MTD – 44
YTD – 970
Odometer – 27,307

09. July 2008 by Jerry Cameron
Categories: Running | Comments Off on wednesday morning constitutional

left, right and repeat

it was still pretty humid this morning with temps hovering around 70 degrees. i opted to run my 5 mile loop on which i last ran when my hammy really went on me. the route has two significant uphills which i slowly made my way up to the top of each. when i got back to my subdivision i improvised another 2 miles which included another big hill to run up and down. therefore, i ended up with 7 miles in a few ticks less than 65 minutes – which is awfully slow. regardless, i’m back to running daily – which is a positive. it’ll take a bit of time to get the pace back to where it should be but at least i’ve got a little over 12 weeks to prep for the lakefront marathon.

08. July 2008 by Jerry Cameron
Categories: Running | Comments Off on left, right and repeat

weekend report

friday morning i headed down comanche then headed east on the glacial drumlin trail towards town. i stopped after 3 miles (about 27 minutes) to stretch a bit then doubled back on my route for home. as i got close to home, i noticed my wife and kids were at the park and i headed over to meet them. i needed to run about a quarter mile to make an even six miles so coaxed both jade and alia to run with me.

saturday i took the day off from running and went golfing instead. for the first week back from the hammy injury i mustered 21 miles.

sunday afternoon i got out for 5 miles before cutting the grass. i ran the same route as friday but i just turned around a half mile earlier. the hammy felt pretty good so i upped the pace a bit to an average of 8:45’s for the effort.

this morning i headed down comanche (again) and headed west out of town. it was in the lower 70’s with relatively high humidity. i made it out to 3.5 miles in a few ticks over 9 minute pace and made the turn for home. on the way back my pace quickened a bit and i ended up stopping my watch with few ticks under 9 minute pace and hit the shower.

07. July 2008 by Jerry Cameron
Categories: Running | Comments Off on weekend report

good morning

this morning i gently headed down the hill on comanche and made my way to the glacial drumlin trail. i opted to run west on the trail and enjoyed hearing the frogs chirp away while i ran by an especially marshy area. after i covered 2.5 miles, i stopped to stretch for a bit then began my return route home. a cyclist passed me on my left and said "good morning jerry!" as he passed by. turns out it was my wife’s uncle who lives three towns west of us. i replied in kind and commented on what a great morning it was. he must have been up pretty early to be riding through waukesha at that time of the morning. regardless, i made it home with 5 miles covered at the same pace that i had run yesterday and hit the shower.

03. July 2008 by Jerry Cameron
Categories: Running | Comments Off on good morning

as time marches…

my morning constitutional today was similar to monday’s effort but just a tad longer. i opted to keep running past the local high school for another half mile before stopping… stretching… and turning around. i opted for the compression shorts again today and slogged along at an average of 9:40 pace for the four miles i covered. the left hammy seems decent but i do tend to feel a dull ache when i run but not when i walk. my dad says i should run easy like this for two weeks and then i’ll be good to go. time will tell.

02. July 2008 by Jerry Cameron
Categories: Running | Comments Off on as time marches…

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