Slowly, Slowly, Slowly Said The Sloth
blank">.jpg" border=0 style=float:right;>i headed out this morning with temps in the mid-50’s with compression shorts to keep the hammy warm. my route took me north on comanche again, past the scene of the "swooping bird " from yesterday morning. i opted to wind my way through a park rather than turn toward the local high school and got to dodge some sprinklers that overlapped the sidewalk. i turned around after 1.25 miles and backtracked on my route toward home. i then improvised another half mile by running south on comanche then backtracking my way back. overall, i mustered another easy 3 miles in a few ticks north of 29 minutes and hit the shower.
(the title refers to a children’s book that i’ve read to my kids)
back in the saddle
after taking nine days off from running to let my left hamstring heal up, i headed out the door this morning for a morning constitutional. i headed north on comanche then east on burton to university and over to michigan. i stopped at the tennis courts across from waukesha north high school and stretched a bit then doubled back on my route for home.
on my way home i was a bit bored with my effort as i was purposely avoiding hills and running at a very slow pace. shortly thereafter, a bird began swooping at my head in what i’m guessing was some effort to protect its nest. i took off my cap and swung it at the bird a few times to communicate my dissatisfaction which made the bird head back into the trees.
regardless, the hammy didn’t tweak on me this morning but it certainly doesn’t feel 100%. i managed three miles at a ridiculously slow pace which i’ll likely continue to do this week as i ease back into training.
long time no blog
it’s been awhile since i’ve made the time to update my blog so this is my effort to catch up. last week i mustered 40 miles off of daily 5 to 7 mile efforts. nothing speedy…just putting in miles.
i went out for a run on father’s day afternoon and my left hamstring pulled on me. i stretched a bit and hobbled home pretty dissapointed.
the next morning i ran with compression shorts and mustered a slow 6 miles. i ran again with the compression shorts on tuesday for 7 miles and was moving a bit faster. i didn’t get out for a run on wednesday or thursday but headed out this morning for an easy 5 miles – wearing regular running shorts. my left hamstring really acted up at 2.5 miles and at 4.5 miles which was not the way i was expecting to start the day.
regardless, the good news is that the tendonitis that i was feeling in my right achilles tendon is easing off. i’ll likely take some time off from running and let the hamstring heal up a bit. perhaps i’ll do some "core" stuff that i’ve been meaning to do for quite some time. in the end, i want to get the hammy back so that i can race again in the fall.
catching up
friday i took the day off from running to rest up for my pacing duties on saturday evening. i ended up having some time in the afternoon so i played a quick 9 at a par 3 course before the rain started.
saturday i hung around the house and in between chores i was checking in on the webcast of the kettle100 races. it was awful hot and humid outside and i’m sure the mosquitoes were thick on the trails. i got a call shortly after lunch that my runner (smartly) dropped from the race after 50K. admittedly, i was a bit relieved as very strong storms were expected during the afternoon, evening and overnight. i did feel bad that she came all the way from texas to run in those extreme conditions. overall, it looks like many of the participants opted similarly but there were some folks that amazingly ended up finishing the 100M and 100K events. (i didn’t get out to run on saturday – between the heat/humidity/storms i just didn’t want to)
sunday in the late afternoon i got out and ran down comanche to the glacial drumlin trail towards town. i ran over a bridge that crossed the fox river which was overflowing it’s banks from all the rain we’ve gotten. i then headed south toward the dump to confirm that it’s open on wednesday as i’ve got alot of stuff that needs dropping off. i doubled back on the same course and got rained on a little over the last mile. overall, i mustered 7 miles in a few ticks over 55 minutes.
this morning i got out at 5AM and ran down comanche then up university to I-94 then back home. i dialed back the pace a bit and covered 9 miles in 77 minutes then hit the shower.
one last ‘off the reservation’ run
i brought along gear and ran during lunch with ben. we headed up and around the marina area then back to campus for a bit over 5 miles at a little more than 8 minute pace.