blast from the past
i got myself rolling in the late afternoon and headed south into the wind for a constitutional. the sky was sunny and temps were in the mid-50’s, which was awful pleasant. my route took me down comanche then east on the glacial drumlin then south along the fox river bicycle trail. i made my way past sunset avenue and hwy 59 continuing southbound to a county park. at 7 miles (and about 57 minutes) i made the turn around and headed home.
along the way home, i noticed a familiar stride of a runner ahead of me who was running with his dog. i pulled up along side of jamie and said hello. it was great catching up with him. we used to run together back a few years when he was running competitively. as of late, he’s been coaching his kids basketball teams and is working to get back into shape. his dog was a great pacer, always staying a few strides ahead of us. when the fox river trail met up with the glacial drumlin, i said goodbye and headed for home.
i rolled into my subdivision with 14 miles covered in 1:54 and change. i walked for a little bit then headed for the shower and dinner.
The Phantom Trailbreaker
Today was to be the day that the Trailbreaker Marathon/Half Marathon was to be run in Waukesha. Unfortunately, the organization didn’t pull through and ended up canceling the event. Many folks were disappointed and some decided to meet downtown and run the course in it’s entirety. I opted to start from my house and run out west on the Trailbreaker route.
Heading west, it’s uphill and I was running into the wind. Temps were in the lower 40’s and the skies were sunny. I rolled past the town of Wales then Saxes supper club and made my turn back for home at the point where the Trailbreaker turns north to Lapham Peak State Park. (8 miles – 1:08:40)
Admittedly, the run home was much easier. Between a gentle tailwind and the elevation drop I made much better time. At about 12 miles, I ran into my friend Craig who was headed west. We chatted for a short while and he asked if I’d pace him at the Kettle 100M if I didn’t feel up to running the 100K. We’ll see how my training goes through April & May…plus the weather forecast for that weekend. I’m not keen on running that far in hot conditions so I may just take him up on the offer. (I paced Dave "Double" Dehart a few years back during his 100M effort and really enjoyed it.)
I said goodbye to Craig and headed home. Along the way, I got to say hello to the group of folks who were running the full Trailbreaker course. It really would have been a great day for at least the Half Marathon as it is run on the paved trail. The full Marathon would have been a bit challenging as the trail is likely a bit "squishy" from all the snow we’ve gotten this past winter. I moseyed up the hill on Comanche and called it a day with 16 miles in 2:14.
i was a bit "blah" today and really didn’t feel like running. i motivated myself with the promise that i would take the day off from running tomorrow if i got out for a bit over the noon hour. i geared up and headed out with temps in the lower 40’s and a breeze off the lake. i ran a 6 mile route in 47:30 and hit the shower. admittedly, i felt much better after the run but will still plan on taking friday off.
MTD – 18 miles
YTD – 566.7 miles
Odometer – 26,904 miles
a bit of sun
i ran (again) during the noon hour to take advantage of the slightly warmer temps and sunshine. i revised the downtown loop route a bit and extended each loop to wind around a local restaurant along the marina. the wind was a bit blustery from the south, which made it a bit more of a challenge. regardless, i mustered two loops and headed back to campus with 6 miles completed in a bit more than 49 minutes.
off the reservation
i brought along gear and ran during the noon hour. the wind was from the north and temps were only in the upper 30’s. i ran along the lake then across a drawbridge and turned around at the yacht club. heading back to campus, i had the benefit of a tailwind which gently pushed me along. i arrived back on campus a few ticks past 48 minutes with 6 miles covered.