friday frolick
i didn’t make it out to run on thursday morning but headed out the door with about 2 inches of fresh powder to run in. i used my new trail running shoes with yaktrax pro (pictured) wrapped on the sole. the shoes themselves have pin spikes in the sole and i didn’t want them to wear down…so the yaktrax added that extra layer between the road and the spikes. (the spikes will come in handy when i’m out on the trails this spring)
regardless, i headed down to the glacial drumlin trail – which hadn’t been plowed out since the big snow storm earlier in the month. man, that was a mistake. i did my best not to twist an ankle and emerged onto a plowed section after about 3/4 of a mile of really awful footing. i ran about another 3/4 of a mile then backtracked and turned north into the subdivisions heading for home. i ended up with 5 miles in over 50 minutes…which is awfully slow…but under the circumstances that’s what i could do.
…and so ends a rather anemic month of running for me. disappointing – to say the least – in terms of the number of miles covered. on a positive note, i am getting in the long runs again.
MTD – 139 miles
YTD – 321 miles
Odometer – 26,659 miles
a bit brisk
i rolled myself out of bed and got geared up for a morning constitutional with temps in the upper teens. i opted for my "easy" 5 mile route and headed out. i passed a diesel pick-em-up-truck that was idling in the driveway spewing exhaust in my general direction…ugh. i wonder what that person’s "carbon footprint" is. regardless, i ran easy and hit the shower.
a few more hamster miles
i opted for a few more minutes of shut eye and packed gear for hamster miles over the noon hour. honestly, i’m a bit sore from the efforts over the weekend and figured an easy day would be of benefit. i mustered 5 miles in a few ticks less than 40 minutes and hit the shower.
MTD – 129 miles
YTD – 311 miles
Odometer – 26,649 miles
glazed asphalt
i finally got out for a morning constitutional today. temps were right around 32 and a light mist was falling creating a shiny glaze on the roads. this only added to the snow melt/refreeze hazard that made for some very slow going in the wee hours of the morning.
regardless, i headed down comanche then up university and turned around after 3.5 miles. on my way back, a cat was outside a house and must have been spooked by my passing presence as it let out a wail that i heard even over my ipod. admittedly, i was more focused on dodging the oncoming vehicle than what a critter was thinking of me. in the end, i mustered 7 miles at a pedestrian 9:03 per mile pace and hit the shower.
sunday sunshine
i headed out mid-morning with a sunny sky and temperatures hovering in the mid-20’s. the wind was coming from the SW so i headed in that direction or as much south as i could. the glacial drumlin trail isn’t plowed out in one section which cuts down my options a bit. regardless, i headed south to the outskirts of town and turned around after 6 miles. crossing sunset avenue i noticed a minivan that looked alot like our vehicle heading west…which turned out to be my wife rolling home after picking up a birthday cake for alia. she gave me a honk and a wave as i made the turn north along the bike trail.
after passing by the city dump and dpw facility, i opted to turn west onto the glacial drumlin and get as far as i could before running into the unplowed section. i then turned north on grandview and worked my way up a series of two big hills on my way back to my subdivision. i rolled home after 11.2 miles in a few clicks over 1:38 and called it a day.
admittedly, there were quite a few icy patches to contend with which slowed my overall pace down. honestly, i didn’t mind a slow pace considering how often i’ve been running indoors this month.