Tag Archives for glacial drumlin
gimme six
temps were in the upper 50’s this morning and it was a bit humid. i geared up and did six miles on the glacial drumlin at roughly 8:15 per mile average pace. as of late, i’ve been opting to head … Continue reading
afternoon seven
after watching my red wings go up 5-1 with one period to play, i felt comfortable gearing up and heading out for a run. i headed east on the drumlin towards town and ran to bethesda park then doubled back … Continue reading
on second thought
i fit in a brief effort in the late afternoon with temps in the lower seventies. my route took me west along the glacial drumlin trail, headed out in the direction of my run in with the family of geese. … Continue reading
midweek meandering
in august, i’ll be wishing for a morning like today’s. temps were in the low sixties, sunny sky and limited humidity. with these conditions, gearing up is much simpler as it’s only a shirt and shorts. i headed out the … Continue reading
showdown on the drumlin
today’s effort was like many others. wake up. gear up. roll down comanche and run along the glacial drumlin. today, while heading west along the trail, i approached a family of geese with 5-6 little ones in tow. the adult … Continue reading