Tag Archives for glacial drumlin
go long
i rolled out of bed at about 5:30AM this morning and geared up for a constitutional. temps and humidity were very comfortable and it was overcast as well – – which is perfect for a long run. i headed east … Continue reading
more miles on the drumlin
7/26 – 7 miles 7/27 – off 7/28 – 8 miles MTD miles is up to 159 and my July 2009 goal is 180. gotta average 7 miles per day through friday to get there.
afternoon nine
i intended to get out for a morning constitutional but was instead drawn to watch the epic climb up Mont Ventoux on Versus. it is astonishing to watch the sheer determination of the riders and the unbridled enthusiasm of hundreds … Continue reading
up and at ’em
i had a bit of pep in my step this morning and tallied seven miles in 55:20. my route was westbound on the glacial drumlin, which has been a regular location for my morning constitutionals as of late. being that … Continue reading
easy does it
my morning constitutional went eastbound on the glacial drumlin and then back home for a total of six miles. temps were in the mid-fifites and the sky was overcast. after returning home, i put the trash and recyclables to the … Continue reading